The Rick Scott/Jebby Bush Monster to Strike Again!!!!


The extremists running the Florida Legislature have teamed up with their corporate donors to try to undermine public schools again. They’re trying to take money from traditional public schools to build new charter schools. We need the legislature to take care of our students in existing public schools before handing over our tax dollars to for-profit charter school operators.

Call your Senator today < Tell them about your students who are still in portables. Tell them about your classrooms with no air conditioning, with mold growing on the walls and with leaking roofs. Tell them to oppose SB 1852.

This bill is nothing more than a money grab by for-profit charter school operators and their team of lobbyists swarming at the Capitol. The charter school operators have hired a team of lobbyists with close ties to Jeb Bush and Rick Scott to undermine our local public schools once again.

Under SB 1852, our tax dollars will be given to for-profit charter school operators to build schools that won’t even be owned by the public. This is not about what’s best for students. It is about charter school operators wanting us to pay for their buildings. Tallahassee politicians want to take millions of dollars from local school districts to put it into the pockets of for-profit charter school operators. That’s just not fair.

 Tell your Senator, our existing public schools buildings are in need of repair. Public money should only be used to buy and repair buildings owned by the public. Tell them to oppose SB 1852.

 This bill poses a threat to the safety of students at public schools and to the ability of teachers to provide the effective learning environment every student deserves. Meanwhile, none of these for-profit charter schools are required to maintain even the most basic hiring and educational standards. And charter schools can discriminate against any student who applies for acceptance or any teacher who applies for a job.

 Call your Senator today Tell them we don’t want larger class sizes. We don’t want teachers to be fired. We don’t want more PE, band and art classes to be cut. And we don’t want SB 1852.